Get ready to dance for a handful of honey, dear OGP bunnies!
After a brief pause to take in the new year, we’re back to “proper” episodes this time around. We follow the recommended route to some flowers, pausing only briefly in Wyoming, before taking note of all the pointers we come across (however marginal they may seem).
If the player doesn’t work, here’s a direct download link. (Right-click, Save file.)
The featured crossword puzzle by Steerpike. Teacow provides a blog of it here.
The General recommends checking out The BBCT, Dave’s books, and the excellent 3D crossword calendar, available in either digital or printed editions.
Dave’s Twitter and his Tumblr.
Void’s Twitter, and he urges you to Try The Wine! (or does he?)
Spoilers and links below the pic of the wrong sort of hand…
– One internet point to the first person to spot the H2G2 reference.
– The short film about the thing that was at the route of all that naming.
– An example of some early musical notation.
– Another link which we are obliged to Hand to you.
– Lemniscate is quite a nice word, isn’t it?
– Apparently, the cup can also be its contents, although what the exact measurement of a metric twoggin is, we are still unsure of.
The Trudy have had a recent flurry of activity on their Twitter, but are also ever-present on Bandcamp or their home page.
You know, there’s an awfully neat trick whereby you can get all of our episodes automatically delivered straight to you and your devices, so you don’t have to remember to come back and visit every fortnight. Simply SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Acast, or any podcatching app/program using this RSS feed. Yes, okay, you know that, of course you do, but hey, I have to fill this paragraph up with something, after all. Feel free to complain with “#OffGridPod” on Twitter, and I will apologise. 😉