It’s not for us to say that we tower over other podcasts – daggers could be drawn, or we might get band. But do check out our steam-powered syndicated stump!
“What’s the matter with you, poor boy? Without a doubt, I see red if nobody takes me seriously. I hope I never make sense of it as years go by. My mistake, another great divide… all stuff and nonsense, but bold as brass, give it a whirl. Holy smoke, take a walk with us – maybe voices leave you spellbound.”
If the player doesn’t show, here’s a direct download mp3 link.
The featured crossword puzzle (select 6th March 2023) by Gila. Explanatory blog(/spoilers!) is here.
The General recommends following this setter‘s twitter account, and checking out puzzles by these three setters.
Void’s Twitter, Mastodon, and blog.
Dave’s Twitter, Mastodon, and his crosswords.
Spoilers and links below the pic…
By Photo: Myrabella / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link
– The statue mentioned, above.
– What does Chevy Chase have to do with a leather canary? Find out here.
– Disc or stick?
– “Andy Steel”‘s thousand yard stare.
– Does she eat fish?
– If you’ve not already had enough of Void showing off, you can see him doing so to a tune by one of the antipodean bands mentioned here. (Volume up!)
– The last member.
– The stump story and a gallery of designs. The documentary mentioned.
– No, it‘s not that old.
– The obituary of a witty translator, whose father was a compiler.
– No, this wasn’t a correct answer, but… well, everything’s connected…!
We wonder if there’s an official badge for the heroes called The Trudy. Why not track them down and ask them, at Bandcamp, Youtube, Twitter, or their web site.
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