How Cumbersome Is A Cow? Admit it, it’s the tricky question you’ve been asking yourself for a long time now. A penny for your thoughts?
Alright, let’s try putting this paragraph up here for a change. Because we REALLY would love it if you — yes, YOU! – left us a rating and/or a review. We don’t know which service you’re using, and yes they all work differently. In Spotify, you need to Follow us first, and then click on the star to give us a rating. For Apple podcasts, make sure you’re rating us within Apple Podcasts itself, and not just your local star rating in the player. Any which way, please SUBSCRIBE to us! You have choices of Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Acast, or this RSS feed in any podcatching app/program. We really appreciate any and all of the above. Also PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Right, thanks for reading that, now back to the content..
Meanwhile, the winning combination you are looking for is an open pair of ears and a click on the play button below:
If the player doesn’t show, here’s a direct download mp3 link.
The featured crossword puzzle by Picaroon. All the penny-drops are given here.
The General recommends this Twitter account , this beastly article, and puzzles by this setter, also sometimes found in the Indy (select 7th April 2022 for one).
Void’s Twitter and his blog.
Dave’s Twitter and his April puzzle.
Spoilers and links below the pic…
– Gerard’s Botanical pics.
– Hang on, isn’t that a “Pomme De Terre“?
– Startled cats.
– Yes, Chinese, via Malay, perhaps.
– The Natmeg.
– Let’s get this straight, shall we?
– Void remembered the right name for the wrong thing. Or is that vice-versa?
– See a bunch of people taking the “entrance exam”, starting with John, from 1:54 here:
Bungay Balls Up 7 <-- Video page on JTV
– …or see Void, Monte and Charlie get sync’d at 5:24 here:
BBU X <-- Video page on JTV
– 1/3840th and some mistakes, written by the appropriately name Mr Wren.
– Who are you calling a loony?
– So, are we saying this guy is a Goth, then? *confused face*
– The fun game with silly animal noises is called Snorta.
Y’know, there were rumours way back about certain people having been created from the components of household appliances. That can’t be true now, can it? “Strange, but Trudy”, as they say? Anyway, hear the current pearls of wisdom from The Trudy, via Bandcamp and Twitter, and their very own web site. The Trudy is out there, Scully.